
Hello! I’m Roberta. I was born in Rome, Italy, and moved to Canada 8 years ago. I live in Vancouver with my funny, supportive and awesome husband, Christopher, and together, we have built a lovely family. I know for sure that ART is what i’m meant to be doing; my heart tells me so every single day. After years and years of keeping my art to my self, I have decided to go public! For a very long time I had only worked with acrylics, and I only recently discovered watercolors...and I can’t go back! There something so addicting and fascinating about the way the water works; even one single drop of water makes a big difference, but it also make it hard. I am self-taught (since I was a child), and my friends describe me as endlessly patient, creative, and fun. I am a mom to two boys and because of that, my kitchen is my art studio. I have to lock myself in there, and between all of the ups and downs, nap time, snacks, and Paw Patrol, I find my inspiration! I want to paint what is in your heart, and I hope that while you are navigating around you can see and feel what’s in mine, and if you feel connected with me through my work, I would love to hear from you!